The Effects of Cannabinoids on the Endocrine System 

The Endocrine System

Cannabinoids are a group of about 66 chemical compounds that are naturally occurring within the Cannabis plant; the most well-known cannabinoids are THC (the psychoactive chemical responsible for the “high” feeling) and CBD (contains no psychoactive properties, currently being used to treat many physical and mental ailments). Cannabinoids are also found within our bodies, they are known as endocannabinoids. We also have cannabinoid receptors within our bodies that bind to cannabinoids such as THC or CBD.

What is the endocrine system?

An endocrine system is a group of glands such as the pituitary, thyroid, adrenal and parathyroid glands, as well as the pancreas and testicles (men) or ovaries (women). This collection of glands has the responsibility of hormone production. The hormones that the endocrine system produces must regulate our growth and development, sexual drive, metabolism, mood, sleep, reproduction and much more. We can’t afford to have our endocrine systems shut down on us or not function properly because it regulates so many other important functions within our bodies.

Effects of Cannabinoids on the Endocrine System

Thus far, research has shown that cannabinoids, such as CBD assist in regulating factors like food intake and energy levels within the body. Furthermore, they can have a positive effect on the endocrine system by adding stability with regard to the pituitary gland and it’s activity, the thyroid gland, keeping it from becoming overactive, and even your pancreas. For example, cannabinoids such as CBD can activate your body’s receptors in the pineal gland, which may cause them to become more stimulated and secrete more of the sleep hormone such as melatonin. This will help without sleep, relaxation and your energy.

There are many examples of specific glands that are affected within the endocrine system; ultimately the takeaway is that certain Cannabinoids such as THC bind directly to the CBD receptors and they can affect how you feel but others such as CBD don’t attach directly to the receptions. Instead, they encourage the glands themselves to function properly and optimally and in return, they can aid in many health issues such as chronic pain, inflammation, mental disorders and much more. There is an element of stabilizing and reinforcement for proper functioning within the endocrine system at the hands of cannabinoids.

Further Research 

There is still much to learn about the effects of cannabinoids without bodies, the many benefits as well as any side effects it is imperative to always do your research before consuming any product that contains Cannabinoids so as to understand what to expect. They are immensely beneficial for a variety of health issues and with the proper information, you can reap the benefits as well.

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